within the AI Matters project

The Dutch node is located in the Brainport region in the south of the Netherlands and has 3 members. It builds upon already existing facilities and infrastructure (physical and digital).
The main location is Brainport Industries Campus (BIC) in Eindhoven and complementary facilities and set-ups can be found at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and various TNO locations.
Consortium Member
Dutch node
The hub specializes in high mix, low volume, high complexity manufacturing industries and focuses on
technologies such as:
- Human robot interaction
- Simulation of production automation
- Vision technology

year project
7 nodes + 1.60 M€ of budget
or EU funding
Node members

Brainport Industries
A unique high tech ecosystem of tier one, tier two and tier three high tech suppliers for high-mix, high-complexity, low-volume manufacturing industry. Together with its member, Brainport Industries is active in projects in human capital, technology and market, to increase the innovative strength of the supply chain in the Netherlands and the Brainport region in particular.

An independent not-for-profit reasearch organization that stimulates innovation on topics that are relevant to a company and to society; focusses on topics that contribute to a digital, healthy, safe and sustainable society.

Research university specializing in engineering science & technology. AI research at TU/e focuses on the use of data and algorithms in machines, such as robots, autonomous cars and medical equipment and on the interaction between humans and systems.
Node members
Fraunhofer IPA
- Leading the German node
- Part of Fraunhofer organization
- Fraunhofer is biggest applied research organization in Germany
- Fraunhofer IPA focuses on manufacturing and automation
Lead contact
Dr. Björn Kahl
Institute of Electrical Energy Conversion (IEW).
- Part of University of Stuttgart
- Research focus on electrical machines and contactless energy transfer
- Applications in the areas mobility, medical technology and industrial applications
Lead contact
Urs Pecha
Research Campus ARENA2036
- Research campus with over 50 partners from industry and science on one platform
- Focused on research in production and mobility
- Establishing services with robotic infrastructure for AI applications
Lead contact
Frederik Wulle frederik.wulle@arena2036.de
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB).
- National metrology institute
- Founded 1887
- Today: 3 sites, staff: ≈ 2000
- Agency of Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.
- Division Precision Engineering focus: manufacturing metrology
- Virtual instruments (dig. twin), Testing of algorithms for CMM
Lead contact
Dr. Harald Bosse harald.bosse@ptb.de
Marking a node
AI Matters film @ the AI Brainport Summit
in Eindhoven, Netherlands
Ability to build on already existing facilities and infrastructure (physical and digital)
- The main physical facility is Brainport Industries Campus (BIC), including TNO setup.
- The second facility at TU/e aimed at building a physical emulator where real factory floors and situations can be simulated on a smaller scale, including obstacles and production settings
- Complementary setups at various TNO locations, including mobile setups for on-site service provisioning
Node services
Human-Robot interaction
For example:
- AI-powered robots
- Cobots
- Intelligent grasping and manipulation of objects
Sharing tasks
Factory-level optimization
For example:
- (Semi-)Automatic Assembly
- Logistics management
- Process planning
- Risk Management (AI Regulatory Sandbox)
- AI Reinforcement Learning for production planning
Examples of AI technologies shown
- Human-robot interaction: cobot-assisted assembly
- Semi-automatically generated Work Instructions based on CAD or video/speech, projected onto assembly station, tailored to operator experience level
- Dual robot assembly station