Service Description

This service is aimed to experiment with a robot solution that is able to operate different machines and capable of loading and unloading different products from multiple types of machines. The set-up includes a robot, 3D Vision camera and smart software. The robot can be easily moved from one machine to another to perform the boring and monotonous work of an operator. The robot can easily learn to handle new products. In some cases, no programming or settings are required to successfully load and unload new products. By utilizing the latest AI techniques, including Deep Learning and Machine Learning, a robot is capable of recognizing when an action needs to be performed. It does not require direct signal exchange to function and simply observes the machine to carry out work. As a result of the experiment, the client will receive a report with a conclusion if the proposed solution would address client’s needs, without additional costs of reprogramming per new machine.
Expected results: Demonstrate applicability of the solution for manufacturing industry and fulfilling needs of multiple users – SME’s from manufacturing industry
Methodology: The applied AI technology and software will be tested, improved and matured based on the use cases from multiple users from manufacturing industry. In this way the applied AI technology can be trained so it can be applied for new use cases without significant re-engineering.
Target: AI-User

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