3D Bin-picking: Identification and picking up of the unsorted parts

Service Description

3D bin-picking is a technique whereby a robot knows how to recognize and pick up unsorted parts from a bin. A technique that combines robotics, software, camera and image processing. The camera works with a dual laser, so it can also see shiny objects. The software-controlled robotic arm grabs the objects and puts them in a different spot. With this service companies can experiment with different objects based on their own use case. Next to it, is also possible to use the setup to create a digital twin of the setup, bin, parts, robot arm and gripper. This way, the setup can first be extensively tested, simulated and optimized before the required investment in hardware has to be made. The results of the test and/experiment will be documented in an evaluation report stating whether the available technology is suitable to use client’s parts.
Expected results: Demonstrate that the applied technology can be leveraged (adapted) to be used for different objects and demonstrate the impact of used technology on manufacturing user. In case a new / additional technology will be tested on this set-up, the result is tested technology in manufacturing context and reaching higher TRL.
Target: AI-User

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