Service Description

With this service, companies can learn how AI technology (AI Reinforcement Learning) can address challenges of manufacturing planning and improve production efficiency and resource management. The Experiment consists of different steps: – Use case determination via in depth analysis of user’s production process and data, bottlenecks, scheduling constraints and opportunities for AI. – Customization of the AI Factory Planner to demonstrate capabilities and planning improvements based on specific needs and user’s real-time production data. This includes: – Creation of Digital Twin of production environment, simulating different scenario’s – Application of Factory Optimization Algorithms on user’s production data – Validation of results – Providing detailed report of experiment, highlighting possible enhancements from optimized scheduling Once the experiment is running, and first results are generated, feedback and refinement of the applied AI technology will be done. After a few experiments, the technology will be ready for deployment, with ability to scale easily, and integrate to third party systems.
Expected results: Demonstrate that application of AI reinforcement learning can greatly improve efficiently and reduce costs as compared to conventional heuristic production planning
Target: AI-User

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