Experimenting with & deploying digital operator support technology to shorten learning time and increase employability & quality

Service Description

With developments in technology, products and production, production processes are becoming increasingly complex and the chance of making mistakes increases. Customers demand 100% quality and traceability. At the same time, finding technically trained staff is also more difficult due to labour market shortages. One solution is to deploy digital operator support technology in combination with quality checks, using camera/vision. With the right work instructions, employees with less technical skills can still do complex work in manufacturing, assembly, installation, service and maintenance. This service will test, validate and evaluate digital/mixed reality support in assembly and service (feasibility). The user (engineer/developer) can inquire the possibilities of combining work instructions with quality inspection. This can be combined with the role of the underlying software for dynamically scheduling tasks.
Expected results: Technology evaluation
Methodology: – Off site Proof of Concept – On site Test before Invest
Target: AI-User & AI provider

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